Tuesday, December 25, 2012

NY Christmas!!!

Ok so I've been pretty absent here bcs. I am a mom of an almost 8 month old :O seriously where is the time going???

Well I have about 6 posts in draft form but I had a quick minute and I just wanted to say how exited I am that we are heading to NY for Rayas first Christmas!! Yeahhhh

I am SO looking forward to visiting with family and friends and honestly in a selfish note have a few extra hands that want to give Raya love so I can catch a little break :)

Off to finish packing- Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween kicked of the first of the "holidays" for 2012.

Raya was starting to sit assisted so we were able to have some fun with pumpkin patches, even in our own front yard. There were several Halloween celebrations we attended and as they progressed Raya got more scared of things...poor little girl :(

Raya and I visited the pumpkin patch with my friend Amber and her son Easton. She was in a great mood and had lots of fun looking at the big orange circles. Pretty sure that's all she acknowledged pumpkins as.

A friend of ours had a pumpkin carving party that we went to and as it was getting dusk and the fog machines and monsters were going she was not too thrilled. This was her first sign of "being scared". She turned away and would nuzzle into our shoulder, so cute ;)

Then came Halloween day!! She was our little Elephant...so darn cute! We have an amazing neighborhood for trick or treating, I can't wait (Zara too!) until next year when we can walk around with her. But she hung out with me while I handed out candy and looked suspiciously at all these strangers coming to our house. Tim always does the house us with lights and music (naturally) so she was a little spooked but was a trooper. Ella and Marty came over to trick or treat in the neighborhood, it was fun to have the kids here and watch them get excited..,priceless to watch kids innocence :)


Half Birthday!

Some of my friend know that I LOVE half birthdays. It was a nice tradition my mom started when I was younger because when you're a child it takes FOREVER to get to your next birthday so every April 10th I would get half the happy birthday song sung to me, half a birthday card (shed litterally cut one in half), half a birthday treat, you get the idea :) and as I mentioned in a previous post Tim proposed to me at a surprise half birthday party.

Now with our own special daughter I plan to continue the tradition! She celebrated 6 months/her first half birthday on October 24th and how exciting it was for her! Besides the crummy shots she got at her 6 months doc checkup :( she got her ears pierced and opened cards and gifts from family and friends!

Yay!! Thank you all and Happy Half Birthday Sweet Pea! XO

Thursday, November 1, 2012

All fours!!

She's up on all fours...she knows how to bring her knee forward but hadn't put the hand forward coordination together yet ;) she ends up kinda face planting when she doesn't know what to do next (hence the foam mats)... It's only a matter of time before she truly lives up to her new nickname of "scoots"

For now she Definately scoots sideways or rolls to where she wants to grow, it's crazy how fast she is learning and growing!

** UPDATE** scoots is officially crawling!!! On 11/5 she decided to take a few crawls towards Tim's cell phone and she's been on the move!! We had to purchase a larger area rug so she wasn't falling on the hardwood. She's starting to pull up on things! Oh boy!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

High chair

Last weekend Tim and I had a rare chance to get brunch together on Sunday. Between the craziness of event season and him usually playing baseball Sunday mornings it was nice to get together for some yummy food.

Raya had fallen asleep on our way there but within 10 minutes of being there she was awake!! We hadn't even ordered yet and I knew I didn't want to leave her in her carseat the while time if she was awake, she'd certainly get bored and fussy. So she can sit up with assistance pretty well now I thought lets try a high chair?! Totally unprepared mind you! I have one of those cushiony high chair/shopping cart covers but wasn't even thinking it was time to start using it yet...sure enough it's time!! I threw a blanket in which wasn't too smart she kept sliding all around. But it worked and she sat and played with her toys while we ate, we had to adjust her wiggling self a few times but lesson learned and we are certainly ready for this next step...the high chair!!

Such a big girl :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Move over Babar

Just a little sneak peak...Raya is VERY excited about her Halloween costume!

I looked and looked for a baby Halloween costume and online I kept seeing these cute Carter's costumes with a bubble outfit and tights and shirt under it...knowing I wasn't going to dress her in something scary I thought these were cute! So I decided to head to the Carter's store where I ended up finding a whopping TWO costumes left...huh?!? Weird! A flower which was 24 month size and a cute little elephant size 3-6 month, phew!! There isn't much about an elephant that says Halloween but the colors match her nursery (not like she'll be hanging in her room in her costume!!), she looks darn cute in it, AND I love the little added bonus that we can use the tights and shirt in the months to come not just on Halloween :)

Trick or Treat!

Friday, October 5, 2012


A few weeks ago San Diego Style Weddings ( a local wedding magazine) was holding their annual magazine launch party, this year also happened to be their 25th anniversary. We were invited to attend and since I've been missing a lot of the event functions Tim and I so often frequented, due to my new role as mommy, this was one party I knew I didn't want to miss!

The party was at La Costa Resort, about 30 minutes north of us. Coincidentally, Tim had DJ'ed the hotel holiday party last year and part of his payment was a two night stay which we had not redeemed yet!

One of Tim's employees lives about 5 minutes from the hotel and offered to come watch Raya while we went to the party, yippee!!! We made our reservation to stay the night before and the night of the party for our staycation!!

We hung out at the pool and Raya had her first inner tube experience. This resort has 4 different pools and a few water slides, Tim had a great time and a I did go down a few times too. It was nice to just go back to our room and get ready and walk a few yards over to the party!

Once there we noticed a few additional vendors that brought their babies and since everybody was asking about Raya we decided to let her come hang out :) I'm not sure what was funnier that Tim said we can't bring her we don't have a party dress to put her in or my response which was yes I packed on just in case!! Haha! Tim went to the room to get her party dress on for her appearance.

We had a nice time it was fun to get away in our own town :) its always so hard getting back to reality!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Leave of absence

I am excited to report that my events for 2012 are over, I had a short season this year since I didn't take on many events with Raya being born in April. I am so thankful I was in a position to do so and Tim supported me in that. It was a hard enough transition with just a handful of events I can't imagine the stress more would have brought on.

There are things i didn't think about when i start working again while pregnant like being gone at a wedding for 10+ hours over the span of at least 2 feedings so you need to pump! Pre-pregnancy I was hardly able to find time to go to the bathroom or drink a bottle of water, but now I'd somehow have to find a minimum if relaxing 15 minutes to pump or I'd be in extreme discomfort?! And where could i go to do this? Where would i be able to store the milk until the end of the night? T'was not easy and it was accomplished easier at some events than others but I survived as did my milk supply :)

Also tough...getting home late, feet throbbing, exhausted...pre-baby I could sleep in, relax on the couch and do nothing the next day, now I'm lucky if I get to sleep "in" until 7 AM ( not to mention getting up at least once to feed during the night).

And without a nanny or full time help scheduling meetings around Tim's reducilously busy schedule and when there was availability (never) to meet at the office we "share" has started to become close to impossible.

I'm not complaining, I do love what I do and I love little Raya even more but there has definitely been an adjustment in life between event planner and mom. After many conversations, Tim and I have decided that it would be best for us all if I am full time mommy and part- time planner and for the next few months take a bit of a leave of absence while I spend these crucial developmental months with sweet Raya. I am thrilled to be in a position to be able to spend my days with her and so thankful Tim works as hard as he does to be able to be in a position where I can be selective of the events I take on!!

Pure Planning will still be here but adding a division of Pure Mommy :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Roll Over

Just when we got back from NY I was doing tummy time with Raya and took a video of how good she was doing and then BOOM she rolled over right on camera!! I don't know if I was more proud she did it or that I caught it in video ;) she's only done it one other time unassisted since then but she's on her way!!

(video coming)

Then just yesterday Raya made her first move from back to front but I didn't get it in film, it happened so fast that we didn't even really see what happened!!

We had her playing on her playmat and we were eating lunch, my mom (visiting to take care if R while I have some events) looked over and said "she just rolled over", we look over and sure enough she is face down on the mat just seconds ago that she was face up on and grabbing at toys!! Wow, little sweet pea is on the move!

She didn't do it again yesterday but for weeks has been practicing her back arch and is getting stronger everyday! There's going to be lots of rolling in our future, I'll be sure to capture it on video :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"They Say"

I am sure this phrase came out of my mouth many times during pregnancy but I started recognizing how often I said it post delivery.

Anytime I am asked or think of questions similar to, "what are other babies at this age doing?", "is her height and weight normal?", "is it okay that she hasn't pooped in 4 days (this is a recent one :()" and so many other things that first time parents, family and friends think of. My response 99% of the time starts with "They say..."

Who are THEY??? I've realized that there are many people that make up this group including, friends, friends of friends, doctors, online blogs and articles, books, emails from baby websites, relatives and of course strangers that always love giving their unsolicited advice;)

So if you're a new mom or a friend of mine you now know who "they" are!!

4 Months

We are almost at 5 months (tomorrow)!!! Yikes...time is flying way too fast!! Before we get to 5 months I figured I should post about her 4 months of life :)

Raya is amazing and for such a tiny little pea she amazes us each day!! She did fantastic at her 4 month doctor appointment, the nurse was done with her shots before Raya even realized what happened and when she did realize we put the bottle right in her mouth which helped sooth her, phew ;) we are starting to get the hang of things!!

Report card:
Weighing in at 11.1 pounds (still in 5th percentile)
Height is 24" (now in 40th percentile)
Head circumference is 15.5 ( she is in the 50th percentile there)
She is holding her head up GREAT, does a pushup position when placed on her stomach
LOVES kicking her legs, they are nonstop, thankfully she picked up that habit after she came out
Went to her first concert to see Neil Diamond, she enjoyed it by sleeping through most of it :)
She enjoys making Raspberry noises with her mouth
Still sleeps well when swaddled does a long stretch anywhere from 6.5-9 hours every night
Moved out of our room and into her crib
Babbles and squeals alot
Grasps very strong
Sits up when her back is propped otherwise she's a bit of a weeble wobble
And of course took her first trip to NY!

Friday, August 17, 2012

NY State of Mind

Raya had a great first visit to NY...it was typical August summer in NY Hazy, Hot and Humid, but we survived and I honestly think it helped her sleep better, two night in a row she did 8.5 hours of sleep!!!

My sister Jen came down from Boston to visit and my Aunt came over for play dates. We also went to my Aunts for a BBQ which was nice, I hadn't been over to her house in a while, and it was here that Raya started practicing her roll over skills.  Granted she was propped on a pillow but she rolled over and off the pillow a few times! 

It was fun to get together with my high school friends and some of Raya's future boyfriends (we have to keep an eye on her she has a list of potential future boyfriends on BOTH coasts !!).

Tim and I got to see a show in the city...NEWSIES!!!  I was seriously OBSESSED with this movie when I was a tween, I rented it like every weekend from the local video shop and when I saw it for sale one day I bought it, so yes I have a VHS copy but I fully intend to transfer it to dvd when I can.  The movie was made into a play and my mom bought us tickets for "date night".  I loved it, the music was mostly the same from the movie, so of course that was great, but the choreography was AMAZING!!!  These guys were leading and dancing all over the place, the stamina they must have, geesh! Tim had never seen the movie and I think he enjoyed the play, at the very least he can probably understand why I enjoyed the movie so much as a 12ish year old, cute boys singing and dancing around, heck yeah!!

My mom threw a little meet and greet party for her friends to meet the baby and Michelle, Sean and Logan came up to visit as well (despite all the traffic :()

And otherwise we just hung out, played with Raya, watched the Olympics, and caught up on a few glasses of wine! :)  We plan to head back east this winter and the weather is sure to be drastically different!


Raya moves out

Well the time has finally come and we have transitioned Raya to her crib in her room ALL the way down the hall :(

I said that we would do this when we got back from NY and I stood by my word.  For a few reasons I figured it would be a good move...She has grown a couple of inches and shifts herself around in her sleep so she was running out of room in her bassinet as well as the fact that Tim and I were very easily woken by just some normal fussing during sleep even if she wasn't waking herself up she was waking us up.

So a few days after we got home from NY I tested the move by putting her down for a nap in her crib and she did great, 2.5 hour nap, awesome!!!  Bedtime came and it was a small struggle to get her to sleep but she slept for a good 7.5 hour stretch, phew...not as painful as we thought the transition would be. 

There are certainly times when we don't catch her at the right time and keep her up longer than she should have been and it's a little harder to get her to sleep but overall she has been great!!! Truthfully, I can't say I've gotten much more sleep, I stay up staring at the monitor making sure she is sleeping, breathing, and that her face is not butted up against the bumper ;)

She likes the freedom and has much more space to move around, I find her having rotated 180 degrees or pushed up against the bumper vertically at the end of the crib when she was placed to sleep in the center horizontally, it's kinda funny!

Next step will be transitioning out of her swaddle to sleep...she loves to feel all tucked in, but I know we will have to start working her out of it soon...she's growing up so fast!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Raya earns her wings

I had decided to make a last minute trip East for Raya to meet some family and friends she had not yet been able to meet as well as see my mom and sister again, they just can't get enough of little sweet pea :)

Initially the plan was to go alone with her until Tim mentioned he wanted to come along, phew!!!

It was definitely helpful having him along for the flight, just little things you take for granted, like going to the bathroom!!!, when you travel without a child.

We took the 10:30 AM flight which worked out great with her schedule, she was ready to eat as we were taking off and napped a good amount in flight. I brought a boppy pillow, laid it across my waist and she napped on that. She played a little, fussed a minimal amount, watched some Olympics they were showing on tv and before I knew it we were there...YAY!!! Her ears never have her much of an issue, but she was also good about sucking on her pacifier.

I hate take off on flights and for the first time ever I wasn't paying attention to my nerves because I had somebody else to keep safe :)

Tim had to come back a few days early for work and i was a little nervous making the trip alone. I accepted help when I needed it but the flight back was a little more rough. It's a longer flight going from east to west, it took forever to get off the ground, her schedule was a bit off from the time difference, but overall she was a good girl...we are very lucky that she is an adaptable baby and loves to smile :) but I was certainly glad to see Tim waiting for us when we landed!!

Since my family is on the east coast I have no doubt that will not be my last trip flying solo with her but at least I know a little of what to expect now...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Coming soon!!!

I've been a bit behind here, coming soon to the blog;

Raya goes on an airplane
Rayas first trip to NY
Raya moves into her bedroom

Stay tuned :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

What a difference a year makes

It was a year ago now that our sweet little Raya was making her hard fought journey towards my egg and she beat out the other millions :) !!

Now she is a strong 3 month old developing such a beautiful personality. She is a smiley, quiet (most of the time) little girl that I just want to look at and play with all day everyday!

She started giggling just a few days ago, OMG adorable!!! Shes holding her head up better and definitely went through or is still going through a bit of a three month growth spurt. Which means her naps are longer and she's been fitting in an extra feeding each day. She's definitely grown in length, we're going to have to transition her out of her bassinet soon!

We still swaddle her at night but she somehow whips herself around and just the other day we found she had done a 180 degree turn in her sleep, so funny!!

Her favorite hobby right now is chomping on her hand, nom nom nom, she will often rather chomp on her hand than eat, haha.

Drumroll.....she's finally out of newborn clothes!!! BUT she is still only 10 pounds, she's our little sweetpea! She amazes us everyday and we just love her to pieces!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Look alike?

These were the best side by side comparisons I could find right now to see who our little R looks like more.

Top images are Raya and Tim both in hospital bassinets and bottom two are Raya and I both at 2.5 months doing tummy time.

It is obvious that she got that head of hair from dad ;) I also think she has more of Tims face structure. She might have my mouth and eyebrows? Our noses are similar so it's hard to tell there. So far we have a lot of people telling us she looks more like dad or is a good combo of both of us...either way she is a beautiful little baby who is growing so fast!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


As some of you may know Tim's mom is from Maine and he still has some relatives that live there. His cousin Terry was visiting San Diego from Maine this past week for a teacher convention that was taking place downtown. Following the convention her and two friends stayed with Tim's mom for some sightseeing of San Diego.

As a thank you for her hospitality on their final day they shipped in live Maine lobster for family to enjoy!! I am glad we were invited and available that day :). We had a little lobster cookout/BBQ and enjoyed the summer sunshine! Too bad I'm STILL not pool ready :( but Raya does enjoy dressing up in her summer attire!

Cousin Marty had a good time showing Baby Raya some toys he thinks she would like to play with, he's very good at sharing!

Monday, July 2, 2012

35 years of Wisdom

Happy Birthday Tim!!

On Saturday Tim turned another year wiser :) It is so crazy looking back and realizing I met Tim when he was just about to celebrate his 27th birthday and how far we've come in 8 years!!

This year was a rare occasion since Tims birthday fell on a Saturday and he actually did not have an event himself to work. We were able to celebrate together with family and friends.

We started the day at Hash House, http://www.hashhouseagogo.com/ for breakfast-YUM!!! Its becoming a little breakfast tradition now, my last birthday we ate there :)

Then after some digesting and relaxing family time (and Tim did need to make a quick stop in to oversee an event set up), what better way to spend the early evening than a good ol' pizza party??!  We headed over to URBN in North Park, http://urbnnorthpark.com/. When you're our age pizza parties include cocktails and kiddos who don't at pizza yet :) Soon enough those birthday pizza parties will be for friends kids and our little Raya, I'm not complaining I LOVE pizza and parties :)

Wishing you a wonderful year Tim. Its been an honor to be by your side over the years and watch you become you man you are. Looking forward to many more birthday celebrations! Love you!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This smile can turn every frown upside down, love this little girl!!!

2 Months!

Raya has just celebrated her 2 month birthday on Sunday and has had quite an eventful month!

Some of the things she has been up to;
Enjoying social smiling
Sleeping GREAT and does 5-7 hour stretches at night
Enjoys bath time
Moved to size 1 diapers even though they are a little big
Newborn clothes are getting snug
Got her first diaper rash and is dealing with baby acne :(
Loves playtime on her playmat
Neck is getting stronger
Still gets hiccups a lot, gripe water helps calm them
Makes cooing noises and sounds like a dove
Took her first trip to the aquarium and SD Zoo

At her 2 month well baby appointment she measured in at;
9 pounds 3 ounces, 5th percentile for weight (a bit low but I think she's got daddy's metabolism..or like her doctor said she might be a little lazy when eating)
22" long, 27th percentile for height ( good old' #27 ;) she's on target here)
15" head, 44th percentile here, so that's great!

She did great with all the reflex tests the doctor did and she said to start keeping a close eye on her because it may not be long before she's really trying to roll, she's a mover and a shaker!

The shots she didn't love and screamed like I never heard before but she did great and they put cute pink camouflage bandaids over her booboos for being such a trooper. She slept alot yesterday after all the excitement, slept from 4-7 PM, 9 PM-4 AM, then 5-9 AM. I'm not complaining ;)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Good Day!

It only took 8 weeks but we are starting to settle into a little groove, how long before it goes off course?? Probably not long so I want to remember the little normalcy I had :)

Everyday is a great day but Friday was fantastic and the beautiful sun was out in San Diego! Tim left for an event setup around 8 AM, after Rayas morning feeding she relaxed while I made the bed, then we got changed and took Zara to the dog park. On the way home from the dog park R fell asleep so I dropped Z off at the house and headed to the grocery store to get ingredients for some yummy recipes I found on Pinterest that I was going to attempt for dinner. As we were getting home R was waking up and it was feeding time, she patiently hung out in the Bjorn carrier (thank you Michelle for letting us borrow it and showing me how to use it!) while I put the groceries away. After she had her lunch we watched her 'my baby can read video' which she enjoyed, I think! She sat through the video and tracked with her eyes...such a good student already ;).

Then I sat her in her mammaroo chair ( we love that chair!) and she hung out while I started prepping some of dinner. It was time for naptime and she didn't resist being swaddled and set in her bassinet for some Zzzzzs. As she napped I was able to respond to some emails, finish prepping dinner and read a little...I think I even got a load of laundry in there too!

My favorite part of the day was around 4:00 PM Tim came home and I was able to actually go for a jog by MYSELF...woohoo first time in probably 10 months that had happened :) I got home and showered, we ate dinner, R had eaten just before I ran so she was content until just after we ate. She then had her dinner, had bath time, daddy read her a few books and she was down for the night and slept for 7.5 hours!

It felt so good to have a day that seemed to flow so well and feel just a little productive!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


As we approach Raya's second month of life she has experienced so many "firsts", I have captured most of them thankfully!

There is an ongoing pattern here that she is sleeping through most of her "firsts" :) she's an active little baby and gets tired...that OR she's camera shy!

This is just a partial list;
Diaper (daddy's first time putting a diaper on too!!)
Car ride
Meeting Zara
Walk around the block in stroller
Doctors appointment
Visit to Coin mart
First lunch out at BJs
Dog park with Zara
Tummy time
Mothers Day
Movies with mom (What to expect when expecting-bring your baby day)
Playmat playtime
Wedding industry party (Joes on the Nose bday party)
Daddy's baseball game (hit a home run for you!)
Trips to Birch Aquarium and SD Zoo
Dog beach with Zara
Lunch in Old Town
Watch dad win his race at Camp Pendelton

*She has also already suffered through numerous trips to Target, Babies R Us, Walmart, and Ross... It's just the beginning sweet pea ;)

Looking forward to so many more firsts in life with you!! xo

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Raya and Zara had a great time with Daddy on Fathers Day...we celebrated by having a mellow day, for once! 

Raya had a special outfit to wear, thankfully it wasn't TOO big on her!

We went to the Hillcrest Farmers Market in the morning and picked up some food then headed down to Tim's moms house to relax by the pool.  Zara and Tim went swimming, I wish I grabbed a picture of that but I didn't :( She LOVES to swim and hopefully Raya will one day too.  We lounged by the pool for a little before heading home and getting dinner, Tim's choice - Vietnamese/Chinese restaurant.  I told him whatever he wanted and since I said NO to Chinese for 9+ months, I think it was only fair to give a GREAT new dad what he wanted for his first Fathers Day!

Daddy and his girls (and kisses from one)!

We got Tim an ID tag to wear on his running shoes so that should anything ever happen (KNOCK ON WOOD) we would be contacted.  They are on this site, http://www.roadid.com/.  It's a pretty cool concept!  We also got him a lemon tree in honor of our growing family :)  We've been wanting to plant a lemon tree in our backyard so hopefully now that we have it, we will me motivated to plant it!!

HAPPY FATHERS DAY TIM, we are lucky girls!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I know I am a little delayed on these posts but my hands are usually filled holding a baby these days with little to no time to type but I want to keep up on posts to that I can share these stories as well as have them for me to remember.

This was an AMAZING Mothers Day, I felt so incredibly thankful and loved! Along with thoughtful cards from Tim, Raya AND Zara, Zara gave me a BEAUTIFUL floral arrangement and Raya gave me a nameplate necklace with her name on it.  I LOVE it and neither her or daddy knew I wanted one like it, good job!! :)  Tim made me breakfast in bed and we went to his moms for a Mother's Day dinner, it was fun to celebrate the day as a new mom!
Flower arrangement from Zara (via Tim)

First Mothers Day! (wearing necklace from Jen and Tim/Raya)
Raya (via grandma Schuster) gave me beautiful pink roses and my mom gave me a sweet picture of Raya that she had taken while she was out here in and "I Love Mom" frame and also gave me a "MOM" Tervis tumbler (LOVE Tervis tumblers and she didn't even know, woohoo!)

My sister Jen was visiting until just days before Mothers day and left me a little box under my pillow when she left.  It was an extremely thoughtful card and a beautiful "mom and daughter" necklace, with two hammered silver circles one bigger than the other, I LOVE it and I am so excited to have necklace options as before I was lacking in that department.

Thank you all for making me feel so special on my first Mothers Day, I am proud and honored to be a mom! :)

1 month!

I knew time was going fast but I cannot believe it's been (over) a month since Little Raya joined the world.  I have been taking an obnoxious amount of pictures and I am glad that I am because I know there are going to be so many things that I forget! 

I bought this newborn onesie at Target before she was born (before even knowing if we were going to have a boy or girl) knowing that the flower of April was sweet pea.  So far I have taken weekly pictures of her in it and she still fits in it.  I am going to continue to take weekly pics in it until she outgrows it (and I might just cry that day)!
Week 1 - It was more of a yawn than smile ;) Swimming in the onesie

Week 2 - Was having a fussy day :( Onesie is still big

Week 3 - Just waking from a nap...Onesie STILL big

Week 4 - A REAL smile :)  JUST starting to fit a little better in onesie
Raya's one month report card;
Her big sister is starting to like and understand her more.
She is starting to get more of an eating and sleeping pattern.
I am getting into a groove of pumping and she is taking to bottle and boob just the same ;)
She can focus on objects close to her face and track with her eyes.
She has smiled at us a few times (not consciously but its still SO cute, we can't wait until she has control over her smiles).
She is getting better at liking baths.
She is still wearing newborn clothes but they aren't as big as they were before.
She likes to do bicycle kicks with her long strong legs.
She is doing good holding her head up for a short period during tummy time.
She now weighs in at 7 pounds 10 ounces (up one pound from birth) and is almost 1.5 inches longer

My sister bought me these stickers to capture her growth month by month, I love them, they coordinate with Raya's room decor...Happy One Month Raya!
Another smile! :)

The boutique at Mary Birch has a scale that you can use to keep track of babies weight in between doctors appointments.  Since we don't visit our doctor again until the 2 month appt. we brought her over to see how much she had gained in a month.  She is up exactly a pound from her birth weight :)