Friday, July 27, 2012

What a difference a year makes

It was a year ago now that our sweet little Raya was making her hard fought journey towards my egg and she beat out the other millions :) !!

Now she is a strong 3 month old developing such a beautiful personality. She is a smiley, quiet (most of the time) little girl that I just want to look at and play with all day everyday!

She started giggling just a few days ago, OMG adorable!!! Shes holding her head up better and definitely went through or is still going through a bit of a three month growth spurt. Which means her naps are longer and she's been fitting in an extra feeding each day. She's definitely grown in length, we're going to have to transition her out of her bassinet soon!

We still swaddle her at night but she somehow whips herself around and just the other day we found she had done a 180 degree turn in her sleep, so funny!!

Her favorite hobby right now is chomping on her hand, nom nom nom, she will often rather chomp on her hand than eat, haha.

Drumroll.....she's finally out of newborn clothes!!! BUT she is still only 10 pounds, she's our little sweetpea! She amazes us everyday and we just love her to pieces!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweetpea:-) you are really growing up so fast, and changing and I am soooooo happy that I got to spend some time with you in New York. You did so much there and I got to hear you giggle and watch you munch on your two hands at once, like it was better than brunch;-) I miss you so much already, but I know I'll see you soon and hear about what is new in your life:-) Have fun with mommy your last few days in NY!
