Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2 Months!

Raya has just celebrated her 2 month birthday on Sunday and has had quite an eventful month!

Some of the things she has been up to;
Enjoying social smiling
Sleeping GREAT and does 5-7 hour stretches at night
Enjoys bath time
Moved to size 1 diapers even though they are a little big
Newborn clothes are getting snug
Got her first diaper rash and is dealing with baby acne :(
Loves playtime on her playmat
Neck is getting stronger
Still gets hiccups a lot, gripe water helps calm them
Makes cooing noises and sounds like a dove
Took her first trip to the aquarium and SD Zoo

At her 2 month well baby appointment she measured in at;
9 pounds 3 ounces, 5th percentile for weight (a bit low but I think she's got daddy's metabolism..or like her doctor said she might be a little lazy when eating)
22" long, 27th percentile for height ( good old' #27 ;) she's on target here)
15" head, 44th percentile here, so that's great!

She did great with all the reflex tests the doctor did and she said to start keeping a close eye on her because it may not be long before she's really trying to roll, she's a mover and a shaker!

The shots she didn't love and screamed like I never heard before but she did great and they put cute pink camouflage bandaids over her booboos for being such a trooper. She slept alot yesterday after all the excitement, slept from 4-7 PM, 9 PM-4 AM, then 5-9 AM. I'm not complaining ;)


  1. Holy sleeper:-) that's my kind of niece! Congrats. on her first big visit, so glad it went so well...I love how snuggly she looks in Tim's arms how sweet!

  2. awwww! i feel her pain in the crying photo!
