Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Raya and Zara had a great time with Daddy on Fathers Day...we celebrated by having a mellow day, for once! 

Raya had a special outfit to wear, thankfully it wasn't TOO big on her!

We went to the Hillcrest Farmers Market in the morning and picked up some food then headed down to Tim's moms house to relax by the pool.  Zara and Tim went swimming, I wish I grabbed a picture of that but I didn't :( She LOVES to swim and hopefully Raya will one day too.  We lounged by the pool for a little before heading home and getting dinner, Tim's choice - Vietnamese/Chinese restaurant.  I told him whatever he wanted and since I said NO to Chinese for 9+ months, I think it was only fair to give a GREAT new dad what he wanted for his first Fathers Day!

Daddy and his girls (and kisses from one)!

We got Tim an ID tag to wear on his running shoes so that should anything ever happen (KNOCK ON WOOD) we would be contacted.  They are on this site, http://www.roadid.com/.  It's a pretty cool concept!  We also got him a lemon tree in honor of our growing family :)  We've been wanting to plant a lemon tree in our backyard so hopefully now that we have it, we will me motivated to plant it!!

HAPPY FATHERS DAY TIM, we are lucky girls!!

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect picture:) I'm glad you guys had a fun first father's day....you're the best Tim! Interesting tag ID idea, geeze lol:) so cool a lemon tree omg!!! What else are you growing in that backyard of yours?
