Wednesday, June 6, 2012

1 month!

I knew time was going fast but I cannot believe it's been (over) a month since Little Raya joined the world.  I have been taking an obnoxious amount of pictures and I am glad that I am because I know there are going to be so many things that I forget! 

I bought this newborn onesie at Target before she was born (before even knowing if we were going to have a boy or girl) knowing that the flower of April was sweet pea.  So far I have taken weekly pictures of her in it and she still fits in it.  I am going to continue to take weekly pics in it until she outgrows it (and I might just cry that day)!
Week 1 - It was more of a yawn than smile ;) Swimming in the onesie

Week 2 - Was having a fussy day :( Onesie is still big

Week 3 - Just waking from a nap...Onesie STILL big

Week 4 - A REAL smile :)  JUST starting to fit a little better in onesie
Raya's one month report card;
Her big sister is starting to like and understand her more.
She is starting to get more of an eating and sleeping pattern.
I am getting into a groove of pumping and she is taking to bottle and boob just the same ;)
She can focus on objects close to her face and track with her eyes.
She has smiled at us a few times (not consciously but its still SO cute, we can't wait until she has control over her smiles).
She is getting better at liking baths.
She is still wearing newborn clothes but they aren't as big as they were before.
She likes to do bicycle kicks with her long strong legs.
She is doing good holding her head up for a short period during tummy time.
She now weighs in at 7 pounds 10 ounces (up one pound from birth) and is almost 1.5 inches longer

My sister bought me these stickers to capture her growth month by month, I love them, they coordinate with Raya's room decor...Happy One Month Raya!
Another smile! :)

The boutique at Mary Birch has a scale that you can use to keep track of babies weight in between doctors appointments.  Since we don't visit our doctor again until the 2 month appt. we brought her over to see how much she had gained in a month.  She is up exactly a pound from her birth weight :) 

1 comment:

  1. Your smile is soooo cute, Raya!!!!! You're growing so much and I love how your mom is keeping a written memory of what's happening in your life, so much is going on;) I love you....Auntie Juney:)
