Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Leave of absence

I am excited to report that my events for 2012 are over, I had a short season this year since I didn't take on many events with Raya being born in April. I am so thankful I was in a position to do so and Tim supported me in that. It was a hard enough transition with just a handful of events I can't imagine the stress more would have brought on.

There are things i didn't think about when i start working again while pregnant like being gone at a wedding for 10+ hours over the span of at least 2 feedings so you need to pump! Pre-pregnancy I was hardly able to find time to go to the bathroom or drink a bottle of water, but now I'd somehow have to find a minimum if relaxing 15 minutes to pump or I'd be in extreme discomfort?! And where could i go to do this? Where would i be able to store the milk until the end of the night? T'was not easy and it was accomplished easier at some events than others but I survived as did my milk supply :)

Also tough...getting home late, feet throbbing, exhausted...pre-baby I could sleep in, relax on the couch and do nothing the next day, now I'm lucky if I get to sleep "in" until 7 AM ( not to mention getting up at least once to feed during the night).

And without a nanny or full time help scheduling meetings around Tim's reducilously busy schedule and when there was availability (never) to meet at the office we "share" has started to become close to impossible.

I'm not complaining, I do love what I do and I love little Raya even more but there has definitely been an adjustment in life between event planner and mom. After many conversations, Tim and I have decided that it would be best for us all if I am full time mommy and part- time planner and for the next few months take a bit of a leave of absence while I spend these crucial developmental months with sweet Raya. I am thrilled to be in a position to be able to spend my days with her and so thankful Tim works as hard as he does to be able to be in a position where I can be selective of the events I take on!!

Pure Planning will still be here but adding a division of Pure Mommy :)

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