Friday, November 9, 2012

Half Birthday!

Some of my friend know that I LOVE half birthdays. It was a nice tradition my mom started when I was younger because when you're a child it takes FOREVER to get to your next birthday so every April 10th I would get half the happy birthday song sung to me, half a birthday card (shed litterally cut one in half), half a birthday treat, you get the idea :) and as I mentioned in a previous post Tim proposed to me at a surprise half birthday party.

Now with our own special daughter I plan to continue the tradition! She celebrated 6 months/her first half birthday on October 24th and how exciting it was for her! Besides the crummy shots she got at her 6 months doc checkup :( she got her ears pierced and opened cards and gifts from family and friends!

Yay!! Thank you all and Happy Half Birthday Sweet Pea! XO

1 comment:

  1. she is without a doubt the cutest little nugget ever and.....I am totally copying you on the half birthday fun! LOVE that idea!
