Friday, August 17, 2012

Raya moves out

Well the time has finally come and we have transitioned Raya to her crib in her room ALL the way down the hall :(

I said that we would do this when we got back from NY and I stood by my word.  For a few reasons I figured it would be a good move...She has grown a couple of inches and shifts herself around in her sleep so she was running out of room in her bassinet as well as the fact that Tim and I were very easily woken by just some normal fussing during sleep even if she wasn't waking herself up she was waking us up.

So a few days after we got home from NY I tested the move by putting her down for a nap in her crib and she did great, 2.5 hour nap, awesome!!!  Bedtime came and it was a small struggle to get her to sleep but she slept for a good 7.5 hour stretch, phew...not as painful as we thought the transition would be. 

There are certainly times when we don't catch her at the right time and keep her up longer than she should have been and it's a little harder to get her to sleep but overall she has been great!!! Truthfully, I can't say I've gotten much more sleep, I stay up staring at the monitor making sure she is sleeping, breathing, and that her face is not butted up against the bumper ;)

She likes the freedom and has much more space to move around, I find her having rotated 180 degrees or pushed up against the bumper vertically at the end of the crib when she was placed to sleep in the center horizontally, it's kinda funny!

Next step will be transitioning out of her swaddle to sleep...she loves to feel all tucked in, but I know we will have to start working her out of it soon...she's growing up so fast!!

1 comment:

  1. This picture cracks me up...your little gymnast already rotating like a sun dial:-) of course, with one arm out! I bet she gets more sleep than you while you're staring at that monitor!
