Monday, April 9, 2012

Nesting Days

Since it seems like little Raya is comfy cozy in her residence for now, I have been back to nesting and making our residence ready for her arrival.  I thought I had hit a nesting roadblock a few weeks back, guess again!

I figured her room is ready, the bassinet is assembled, the car seat and mirror are in, we passed our parenting classes ;), I arranged a downstairs changing station, my bag is packed for the hospital, what else could I possibly need to do??

For starters...
Closet clean-out - let's be honest there are some things that just aren't going to fit again or are not going to look pleasant anymore post baby, organize the linen closet, clean the sheets in the guest room for grandma Joan who will be visiting followed by Auntie June, find frames for the beautiful maternity pics that came in the mail today :), organize the cabinets in the laundry room, reorganize my sewing fabric so it wasn't all just clumped in a box in the guest room floor.

Still on the list of to-do's...
Organize items on the top shelf in the master closet, clean master bedroom bedding, pack Tim's items for the hospital (I think this will be tasked for him to do ;)), drop off items at goodwill from closet clean-out, get a car wash, make a mobile for the nursery.

They say the closer you are to onset of labor you may get a nesting splurge, I think in my case I am nesting in hopes that it will help bring on labor :)

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the busy nesting, but don't forget to just sit and watch bravo all day long this week!!!! Xoxo
