Monday, April 9, 2012

39 Weeks!

One week to go until due date (4/14/12) BUT it's looking like it will be at least 2 weeks until baby's arrival date :(  I had my 39 week DR. apt. on Thursday and little one is head down but her head is still sitting high and I am not dilated at all.  I'm not going to lie it was kind of an emotional dilation? not "dropping"?  is she going to come out on her own or need medical intervention? Of course the doctors job is to be positive and tell me that they see patients all the time and I may drop, start dilating and go into labor all in the same day...blah blah blah.  I KNOW my due date isn't even until Saturday and I shouldn't worry she's going to come when she is ready but it's just such a mental WAITING game at this point.   

Every movement I feel I question if it's something progressing? if she's not moving enough I wonder if she's ok? if I get cramping is that labor starting?  Just a whole lotta mind and body games going on! has been one of my BFF's during this pregnancy and certainly is still!

Here's my 39 week pic, doesn't look too different from 37 week pic, either angle of the camera or it's because she really isnt' growing much more at this point...

1 comment:

  1. Looking great!!!!!!! She's coming at her own time but I can't imagine all that's going through your mind this week whew! Well if I was the CEO of google I'd award you with a doctorate in googling;) you're almost there so excited for you!
