Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's just an estimated due date, right??

I was hoping little Raya would have joined us already but with 2 hours left in the day, I am pretty confident she is not coming out on her EDD. Momma is always fashionably late whereas daddy is an always early kinda guy, so looks like little lady will be following in my footsteps. Which is all fine and good as long as she is Not TOO late!

To distract myself today I had a little retail therapy. I picked up slippers (comfy plush grey flip flop sandals with a little flowerette) and pillowcases (in a blush pink color) for the hospital. I also got a new pair of sneakers to prepare for post baby workout! Shopping always helps :)

Tim had a wedding tonight so I am having a couch night with little of our last nights just the two of us. We enjoy watching reality shows, lifetime movies or taking a walk up to Redbox to see what chick flicks we can rent when we stay in for Saturday nights together :) I mostly enjoy watching her snuggled sleeping next to me, soon little Raya will join us on the couch on those nights when daddy has to work - cant wait!!

1 comment:

  1. You are exactly's an EDD...... now just tick-tock waiting time until Raya says ok enough enough I'm ready now and just want a towel already lol;) hang in there you're doing great!
