Monday, March 12, 2012

35 Weeks

5 weeks to go...EEEEEEKKK!!!  I think Tim is finding a good angle to take these pictures at bcs. I SWEAR I am much bigger in person than I think I look in pictures :(

Sleeping is near IMPOSSIBLE now - toss and turn and repeat 100x throughout the night is how it has been.  I have my Boppy sleeping pillow, I have another pillow too for my back or between my legs and no matter what combination I use, it's just flat out uncomfortable!! :( My legs have been cramping when I try to stretch them out while in bed and I have a bit of numbing in my right foot for the past week which are all symptoms so my books and online articles say.

My hips have been aching which is the stretching to allow the baby to come through (as if I need my hips to stretch out wider than they were pre-pregnancy??!!  waaahhh!). I have been doing Wii Fit Yoga to try to stretch out the muscles a bit and I am starting to go for more walks to hopefully help work the baby down into position.  According to quite a few people, I am still "sitting really high".

No stretch marks still (fingers crossed and knock on wood it stays that way), even my doctor mentioned how good my skin looked when I saw her last Tuesday, YAY - one thing that makes me feel good ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Luney:) Sorry all the aches and pains all for Raya;) I'm sure she'll make it up to you one day when she's old enough to treat you to a mani/pedi lol:)You're doing fabulous and way to go with the walks and Wii Yoga-very impressive! Can't believe you're just about a month away today. Good luck with sleep tonight or reading USMagazine:) xo
