Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So I had my first "baby dream" last night.  I don't remember exactly how it started what I do remember is looking at a sheet of paper that the doctor was filling out and it said FEMALE (so I guess in my dream I had a girl) and time of birth said 3:27 PM (that was the time on Tim and my wedding invitation).  Tim was sitting in the room with me and I didn't know that I had a girl until I looked at the form so I realized (in my dream) that I had a c-section and didn't get to meet her right away.  I in fact never even saw the baby in my dream at all.  The form also stated ~8 months and I said I thought I was only 4 months along and they said I was further along and that my doctors must have misread all my tests leading up.  ummmmm ok!?

So, from the office/room, I was brought to a recovery room which looked more like a triage from a war movie and there were about 50 cot beds and all women who had just delivered in there with their spouses, visitors, and babies.  I remember asking why I was in there if I had a c-section, shouldn't I be in a private room?? From there it went to a scene where I met Tim in a hallway who was sulking because we were supposed to go away and now he had to cancel it and he would loose out on the miles he used to book it. WHAT!??!  haha!! And that's the last I remember of the dream.

If anybody that interprets dreams wants to give that one a shot, I'd be amused at the results! :)

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