Friday, February 24, 2012

Little Big Foot

At 28 weeks we had another and final ultrasound, due to all the testing and checking in we had a total of 7 ultrasounds - I'm totally not complaining though that is 7 times we were able to check in and get sneak peaks of our little girl!  They wanted to check to make sure my placenta had lifted from my cervix because at my 20 week ultrasound they noticed it was lying a little close which can be a symptom of placenta praevia,  Thankfully at this 28 week ultrasound it had lifted and everything checked out "normal", PHEW!  After all I went through in the first and second tri-mesters which diagnosed me as high-risk, I have now turned into a low-risk pregnancy, what a relief!!

Our little sweet pea is running out of room inside so they weren't able to get great images but we got a few and a good one of her little big foot!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the new layout:) So thankful you are now low-risk!!!! You're a trooper and what a cute foot!
