Monday, May 14, 2012


We got to our postpartum recovery room about 11:00 PM.  At that time the nurses took Raya to give her her first bath. I realize it is their job, but they were SO good at it and I have not had much success since being home to make it seem as easy.  Sure she cried and fussed a bit but they were quick and thorough and handed her back to me a clean beautifully smelling sweet little girl....who also was swaddled PERFECTLY, another thing I am still working on getting better at. 

Sleep was slim to none that night, between figuring out how to breastfeed and the nurses coming in for vitals, changing newborn diapers and trying to get comfortable, I'd be surprised if we got more than 2.5 hours of sleep.  Tim stayed with me at the hospital which was very helpful and comforting (he got a free pass from staying at the hospital with me when I had appendicitis because I told him when I had the baby he had to stay with me :)  I thought that was fair).

Raya lounging on daddy and mommy

The next day we had several visitors come meet Raya at the hospital, both Grandmas hung out for a bit.  Aunt Mary came with Cousin Ella and Ella wanted to play with Raya...soon Ella you guys will be able to play lots!!  Lauren, Amber, and Linnea (and Lucy) came to see you and were so excited Raya FINALLY arrived!

The board where we had to track baby Raya's daily routine, she obviously likes to eat!! ;)

Raya also got her hearing test done and she did GREAT!!!  She was so relaxed and peaceful looking during it and they said her hearing was right on target!  That nurse swaddled her up the best I have ever seen too!

The Happy Family! (so we aren't pros at the swaddling yet - ok!)


  1. Awwwwww......great pictures of your friends!!!! Raya-- you're going to learn to looooove bath time once you have all the cool toys and bubbles, hang in there;) and you look amazing! I love your blog wow how are you finding the time? Xo

  2. I had a two hour window during "naptime" that I figured I should take advantage of to get all this written before I forgot all the details. Still have so much to catch up on including her visit with Auntie June :)
