Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Typical days these days...

I realize I'm behind (again) on the blog! In theory it sounds so simple write a few sentences and attach a few pics and a couple minutes later voila friends and family are updated with what's going on with Raya!

Unfortunately I haven't found those few minutes too frequently lately our days go something like this;
6:45- Bottle
Following bottle playtime
7:30/8- Feed Raya breakfast while attempting to make myself something
8:30-Change Raya and gather everything for the diaper bag to head out to a Stroller Strides class (my new workout that I can take Raya too and try to lose this baby weight!!) Or a walk with Zara and Raya or a trip to the Zoo
9-10- Exercise
10-11- Take advantage of Raya still napping to run an errand or two on the way home
11:30- Raya's bottle followed by playtime. With her crawling ALL over and putting everything in her mouth I am hawk eye on her
12:30- Raya now gets lunchtime. The Dr. said to introduce solids for lunch to try to get her to eat more and get some weight on.
After lunch is more playtime until its time to fight her on going down for afternoon nap
2-3 Give her a bottle and try to get her down in crib for a nap. On a good day this goes smoothly and from 2:30-4 I can actually get stuff done around the house and 'GASP' maybe even get to shower ;) on a bad day I do one thing at a time while also going in to try to get her to fall asleep before giving up after 45-60 minutes and end up taking her for a walk or drive to go to sleep :(
4:30- Time to play, read, watch a video
5-5:30- Raya's dinner time
6- On a good day Tim and I get to eat dinner together while Raya plays or Tim watches R while I get to take a shower if I haven't yet
7-Bath time then a story or quiet play
8-Nighttime bottle then to bed
8:45- Ahhhhh I get to sit down on the couch and watch a show, pet Zara, catch up on email and on a rare occasion update the blog before I'm ready to fall asleep by 10 PM

That's kind of how our days have gone the past week or so at least. I can Definately wait for her to walk she keeps me on my toes already!! I scooped a piece of Zara's food out of her mouth today, ummm not quite a Cheerio huh??

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9 Months Old

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