Friday, December 2, 2011

The Birthday Suprise(s)

So moving backwards a bit, before that nasty hospital adventure, we revealed to San Diego friends that I was pregnant by having them over for my birthday celebration/to watch the Chargers game.  I wore the tshirt that said "Future Charger" on the belly (see previous blog) and people picked up on it fairly quickly, some walked right by and I had to point it out to them.  Since I thought it would be fun to play a game and tell everybody the date and how I was feeling all togetherer and not the same story 20 times over, as people arrived I handed them little cards to have them fill out their best guess of our EDD (estimated due date).  For the most part everybody was within a few weeks and two people were within a day, so that called for a tie-breaker :)  CONGRATS to Ben who won a Chargers blanket as his prize (although he is a die hard Steelers fan so that might end up as a Christmas white elephant gift, haha) and Mike who was runner up!

It was lots of fun FINALLY sharing the news with everybody and getting LOTS of advice!

So that was the first surprise of the day, next surprise was on me!  Tim handed me a gift and it was the case to the Lion King (I did actually ask for the movie for my birthday) and inside the case was the CD manual for a new Jeep Cherokee that was waiting outside for me!!!  It felt like I was in the middle of a Christmas commercial, there was even balloons on it but they blew off right before I got outside .  So we are all set with our "family mobile" - YAY!!! Here is a pic of the purty new car...

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back in action!!! Take it easy and enjoy your growing belly;)
